I think it's safe to say that everyone had a wonderful time at this year's community picnic! We had way too much delicious food, fantastic weather (especially compared to the horrible storm that came through just before the picnic last year), and were able to use the clubhouse structure for the first time. Although there is some remaining work to be done at the clubhouse to get it completely finished, we had shade, plenty of tables and a restroom - all of which made the picnic even more enjoyable.
Every single dish that I tried was wonderful. We truly have some great cooks in the neighborhood! If you'd like to share the recipe for whatever you contributed to the picnic, just send it in an email to Social@ClarendonEstates.com and I'll post the recipes here on the website for all of us to enjoy!
As the weather cools down, the board will resume the work to finish up the remaining items for the clubhouse. If you would like to volunteer to help out, just send an email to Board@ClarendonEstates.com to find out where you can pitch in. I know that any help would be most appreciated!